Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How to Build Strategic International Relationships

by John Astor

Just learning how to shake hands in career world doesn’t make you culturally aware. A few learned copy-cat mannerisms and a couple opening lines will not put the global executive into the good graces of their regional leaders. It used to be fine, considering the small amount of time that leaders spent abroad. But more and more, as we see top-level local management strategies that have transparent relationships with each other for alignment and success, building relationships that are strong and solid are absolutely essential in today’s highly competitive marketplace.

In Japan, during the 1980’s boom years, foreigners were falling over each other to grab some of the success that Japanese businesses had created. Many managers learned a little bit of the language, how to eat soup, etc., but they missed a great opportunity to build real bonds. Unfortunately, those bonds could have also helped the Japanese businesses during the ‘90’s.

Today, we are in the midst of a series of dynamics such as, rising new economies, immediate access to customers and speed decision making, so creating and nurturing long lasting connections is a must. Maya Hu-Chan of the Global Leadership Development Center so correctly states, ‘In my work with multinational corporations, my global clients have often pointed out that building partnerships is one of the most important competencies for global leaders of the future’.

To develop powerful partnerships and prevent problematic situations, integrate these five pieces of advice.

  • Have a real interest in other cultures and learn about them through food, the arts and music, literature and the areas that give uniqueness to their place the human experience.
  • Build partnerships wherever you go with ease. You never force a friendship. You develop it. Become an open access point of assistance to your host reports, superiors and especially those horizontally. Encourage others to do the same.
  • Listen, Listen, Listen! This may be one of the great challenges for human beings, but it is an essential skill for trust. Don’t just listen with your ears, but apprehend the individual with all of your faculties. Go beyond their special behaviors and reach for what they are trying to communicate.
  • Never be patronizing. This may be very difficult for some cultures that have been taught they are the best. Be careful not to appear paternal or on a higher level than other people. Also pay close attention to how you phrase comments about their culture. This is also true for spouses of expatriates.
  • Get out of your shell. The higher you go up in an organization, the more insulated you become. Mingle with different people with different interests and you will be well prepared to meet the exciting challenges of interacting with all types of personalities from all over the world.

By putting these five points into action will give you a basis for working in all environments and with all cultures. Of course, each culture has unique aspects that give them their own perspectives on business and life, and we are all unique individuals with unique behaviors, but having a real sense of how we can make deeper connections profoundly helps us move forward together.

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Emo Punk Hairstyles Untuk Cowo' dan Cewe'

Emo punk hairstyles are generally understood to begin with black straightened hair. A long fringe or bangs are usually brushed to one side or the other. The back may be short or long and is typically weighted down with gel or hair spray. If you want the emo look you will have to suffer through growing out period problems.

Early emo punk hair fashion looked like Romulans and Vulcans in the Star Trek movies. As the hair styles evolved, they remained similar on the front and sides of the head, but the back became longer, spiked and more asymmetrical. Black hair was the norm in early emo styles. Today you see black, platinum and other colors, but these can appear clownish if you go too far in that direction.

The hair in front and sides should be long enough to cover the face. It will need to be thinned and shaped once the grow out is sufficient to not look ragged. The style will need regular cuts and care in order to avoid the appearance of hair that just happened. You should also plan on investing in a straightener.

Hair care is important too. Having emo hair doesn't mean dirty hair. You will need to have hair that is shiny clean to start with. The hair spray or gel on your hair to style it will mean regular washing. You will need to use a moisturizer that suits your hair type to avoid drying and the straw appearance that doesn't look emo, only scarecrow.

The nice thing about emo punk hairstyles is that you can work with the genre, but still a style that is uniquely your own. You can work with length, height and spiking to perfect the look you want. You just need to use your imagination loose.

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Emma Watson’s Short Haircut

There are many celebrities that can be seen making the change from their traditional long hairstyles to cutting edge short hairstyles. Emma Watson is only one of the latest starlets to chop off her long hairstyle and make way for a fashionable short look. This look is very short, but she has the bone structure through her face to pull off the short style.

Are you considering making a change through your hairstyle and are wondering if you would be able to pull off a drastic change like this? Without cutting off the hair there are many things that you can do to determine how you would look. You can choose to make use of hairstyle software that can allow you to upload your picture into the system, changing your hairstyle to see how you would look with short hair like Emma’s or you can even make use of a very short wig that can be combined with the hair pulled up off of the face.

She has cut it all off and it looks quite great. It is a very fashion forward look that is sure to have her at the top of the short hairstyle list for 2010 and well into the 2011 season.




Thursday, November 25, 2010

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Emo Fashion Style

Emo has become a very popular way of life one could say, for millions of teenagers worldwide. The relatively new trend captures attention through typical fashion, hairstyles and music. Find out how you can adopt an Emo fashion style.

Emo fashion style is becoming more and more popular among teenagers as each individual has his own personality and style. Different styles means diversity and this allows people to differentiate themselves in a world where individuality and style are highly appreciated.

What does Emo stand for?

Emo has derived from a genre of music, hardcore music from the 1980's and in the 90's the music genre transformation lead to the development of emocore. The softer approach of the music lead to the development of the Emo genre. This type of emotional type of music with punk, rock influences caught rapidly the public's attention and expanded into a highly mediated style. The term Emo was quickly related to being emotional and hypersensitive, leading to speculations that Emo lovers are individuals who feel misunderstood and are highly depressive. The media helped spread this genre around the world and more and more people started to relate to Emo subculture.

The expansion of this genre aided the development of a new fashion and hairstyle trend, the Emo style. Being a style which revolved around punk and rock, Emo style began to contour a very distinct fashion.

Boys and girls all over the world started to copycat their favorite Emo celebrities which included band members of:

# My Chemical Romance

# Fall Out Boy

# Dashboard Confessional

# Rites of Spring

# Death Cab For Cutie

The dark coloration of the outfits, the haircuts and hair styles and behavior made the Emo style an irresistible attraction.

Emo fashion style

Every music genre develops it's own fashion style and characteristics, just like punk, rap, goth and others. Emo fashion style is very easy to recognize as it has a little bit of both punk and rock fashion styles. The main characteristic of the Emo clothing is color. Dark colors match perfectly with this style, thus black, dark red, dark gray, dark green are the most popular colors when it comes to Emo fashion style. Unconventional is the way to go when it comes to creating an Emo look, so the outfits are meant to capture attention.

Emo clothing is usually characterized by the following fashion items:

# skinny jeans for boys and girls

# tight dark colored T-shirts featuring different Emo prints

# belts with oversized belt buckles

# studded accessories

# Chuck Taylor All Stars

# skate shoes

# hooded jackets

Obviously the Emo style would not be complete without an Emo haircut. Side swept bangs usually covering one eye, choppy layers, spiky hair for short hairstyles, flat ironed bangs and red, blue or blonde hair highlights are the most popular characteristics of the Emo hair styles.
Emo fashion style will always be popular as it's popularity is still rising.

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